Friday, June 12, 2009

Aneesha Myles Shewani


Calmly she floated towards the glimmer at the end of the tunnel. The momentum was interrupted by confused voices in her head. She hung in limbo; feeling nauseated as the voices coaxed her to retreat from the tunnel. Startled, she opened her eyes. The anesthesia had worn-off. She still wonders if she had a Near-Death-Experience.

Lonely Lunches

He always ate lunch alone, gazing out of the glass window. She thought he was lonely and decided to befriend him.

She shared her meals with him and she shared her heart and soul. He also adored her and specially invited her to his wedding.

The new recruit always saw her eating lunch alone…


“Your child will never sleep hungry.” The pundit predicted. The father gratefully extended a token amount of 11 Rs and went home happy.

Mohan is a healthy 10-year old, who never sleeps hungry and frequently samples tasty food. The meals come as a perk with his regular job of cleaning dishes at Chaudhary ka Dhabba.


She looked around, biding time in the traffic jam, and caught his bored glance. The frequency of their coincidental meetings left a sweet pang in her heart.

“Of course, it had to be so!” she murmured when she saw him dining with his wife. She continued to wait for her husband in the hotel lobby.

Control Freak

Her death left him lost, confused and hungry. A day had passed since he had eaten. All these years he ate, slept, spoke and acted as she had commanded him to. He was afraid to fix up a meal lest she suddenly walked in and admonished him for fiddling around in her kitchen!


The incessant tapping on the window was distressing. I cautiously flung the door open. It remained oblivious to the escape route, ardently struggling against the glass pane.

Suddenly, with a flutter of wings the pigeon hovered around the room, saw the open space and flew away. A broader perspective is indeed required to notice prospects.

Long-Distance Relationship

We kept in touch through chat messengers. I enjoyed innumerable, private chats, always imagining his expressions and demeanor.

Three months later, he returned from his trip. I was shocked to meet this stranger. Over time and space, my mind’s eyes had cradled an impression of him in my own likeness, not as he actually was.